History Archives - Sophio Academy https://www.sophio.ca/course_type/history/ Brilliant Minds for a Brighter Tomorrow Thu, 09 Sep 2021 07:15:07 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 172461353 Canadian History since World War 1, Grade 10 – CHC2D https://www.sophio.ca/courses/canadian-history-since-world-war-1-grade-10-chc2d/ Thu, 02 Sep 2021 08:44:29 +0000 https://www.sophio.ca/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=6820 This course explores social, economic, and political developments and events and their impact on the lives of different groups in Canada since...

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Course Description

This course explores social, economic, and political developments and events and their impact on the lives of different groups in Canada since 1914. Students will examine the role of conflict and cooperation in Canadian society, Canada’s evolving role within the global community, and the impact of various individuals, organizations, and events on Canadian identity, citizenship, and heritage. They will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating key issues and events in Canadian history since 1914.

Course Code: CHC2D

Course Name: Canadian History since World War 1, Grade 10

Department: History

Hours: 110

Credit Value: 1.0

Pre-requisites: None

Curriculum Policy Documents:

Canadian and World Studies The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10, 2013 (Revised)


Development Date: 28 August, 2021

Developed By:


Revised By: N/A

Revision Date: N/A

Overall Curriculum Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:
    1. A1. Historical Inquiry: use the historical inquiry process and the concepts of historical thinking when investigating aspects of Canadian history since 1914;
    2. A2. Developing Transferable Skills: apply in everyday contexts skills developed through historical investigation, and identify some careers in which these skills might be useful.
By the end of this course, students will:
    1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: describe some key social, economic, and political events, trends, and developments between 1914 and 1929, and assess their significance for different groups in Canada.
    2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse some key interactions within and between different communities in Canada, and between Canada and the international community, from 1914 to 1929, and how they affected Canadian society and politics.
    3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: explain how various individuals, organizations, and specific social changes between 1914 and 1929 contributed to the development of identity, citizenship, and heritage in Canada.
By the end of this course, students will:
    1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: describe some key social, economic, and political events, trends, and developments between 1929 and 1945, and assess their impact on different groups in Canada.
    2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse some key interactions within and between communities in Canada, and between Canada and the international community, from 1929 to 1945, with a focus on key issues that affected these interactions and changes that resulted from them.
    3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: explain how various individuals, groups, and events, including some major international events, contributed to the development of identity, citizenship, and heritage in Canada between 1929 and 1945.
By the end of this course, students will:
  1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: describe some key social, economic, and political events, trends, and developments in Canada between 1945 and 1982, and assess their significance for different groups in Canada.
  2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse some key experiences of and interactions between different communities in Canada, as well as interactions between Canada and the international community, from 1945 to 1982 and the changes that resulted from them.
  3. D3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse how significant events, individuals, and groups, including Aboriginal peoples, Québécois, and immigrants, contributed to the development of identity, citizenship, and heritage in Canada between 1945 and 1982.
By the end of this course, students will:
  1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: describe some key social, economic, and political events, trends, and developments in Canada from 1982 to the present, and assess their significance for different groups in Canada.
  2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse some significant interactions within and between various communities in Canada, and between Canada and the international community, from 1982 to the present, and how key issues and developments have affected these interactions.
  3. E3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse how various significant individuals, groups, organizations, and events, both national and international, have contributed to the development of identity, citizenship, and heritage in Canada from 1982 to the present.

Course Content

Unit Unit Description Time Frame
1. 1914 – 1929   In this unit, students will complete readings on various topics to do with World War 1 including, the weapons, trench warfare, the Halifax Explosion, Canadian fighter pilots and conscription. Students will learn about the Treaty of Versailles and the different types of propaganda from this war. Students will discover more about the Spanish Flu, as well as different Canadian inventors from the ’20s. Students will also learn about the Winnipeg General Strike, the Group of Seven and the Dionne Quintuplets. 27 hrs
2. 1929 – 1945                In this unit, students will examine the Great Depression and why it happened. The unit will cover the rise of Nazism and World War 2. Students will learn about when the Nazi troops arrived in France as well as about the children of the Holocaust and the role Irene Sendler played. 27 hrs
3. 1945 – 1982   In this unit, students will discuss the Cold War. Students will learn about different military alliances including NATO and NORAD. Students will examine the Great Flag Debate and how Canada adopted the flag it waves today. Students will learn about Quebec and Canada in this time period as well as the October Crisis. Students will also learn about Pierre Trudeau and Multiculturism in Canada. 27 hrs
5. 1982 – Present   In this unit, students will investigate social change in Canada and National Unity, specifically the Meech Lake Accord, the Charlottetown Accord and the 1995 Referendum. Students will learn about Romeo Dallaire and the Rwandan Genocide. Students will also learn about Terry Fox and why he is significant to Canadians. Students will examine international political issues, the War on Terror and Canada’s role in Afghanistan. Students will learn about aboriginal affairs and the issues still occurring within our country, as well as about Quebec’s Sovereignty and Canada’s identity.   26 hrs
6. Exam + Culminating 107 hrs.
Total 110 hrs.


A variety of teaching and learning strategies are used to allow students many opportunities to attain the necessary skills for success in this course and in future studies. In all activities, consideration will be taken to ensure that individual student’s multiple intelligences and learning strengths are addressed through the use of varied and multiple activities in each lesson.

Individual Small Group Whole Class
Chapter Questions Brainstorming Class Discussions
Note-taking Discussions Lectures
Self-Reflection Role-Playing Brainstorming
Researching Think-Pair-Share Co-Generative Planning
Organizational Strategies Peer-Editing Q and A’s

Assessment Overview


The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Assessment and evaluation is based on the Ministry of Education’s Growing Success policy document, which articulates the Ministry’s vision for how assessment and evaluation is practiced in Ontario schools.

Growing Success describes the three assessment types as follows:

  • Assessment as Learning: focuses on the explicit fostering of students’ capacity over time to be their own best assessors, but teachers need to start by presenting and modelling external, structured opportunities for students to assess themselves.
  • Assessment for Learning: the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go, and how best to get there.
  • Assessment of Learning: the assessment that becomes public and results in statements or symbols about how well students are learning.
Assessment as Learning Assessment for Learning Assessment of Learning
Student Product   KWL Charts Entrance/Exit Slips Peer/Self Assessments Student Product   Group Inquiry Activities Mind Maps Chapter Questions Study Guides Textual Notes Writing Exercises Student Product   Unit Test (With marking schemes) Quiz (With marking schemes) Assignments (With rubrics)
Observation   Learning Logs Peer/Self Reflections Think/Pair/Share Anecdotal Notes of Observation Observation Group Inquiry Activities Directed Reading Creative Media Research Process Graphic Organizers Observation Oral Presentation (Rubric) Visual Assignments (Rubric)
Conversation   Peer Activities Teacher Student Conferences Descriptive Feedback Think/Pair/Share Conversation Class Debates & Discussions Oral Questioning Teacher/Student Conferences Group Inquiry Activities Listening Activities Conversation   Oral Presentations (Rubric)


A final grade (percentage mark) is calculated at the end of the course and reflects the quality of the student’s achievement of the overall expectations of the course, in accordance with the provincial curriculum.

The final grade will be determined as follows:

  • Seventy per cent (70%) of the grade will be based on evaluation conducted throughout the course. This portion of the grade should reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement throughout the course, although special consideration should be given to more recent evidence of achievement.
  • Thirty per cent (30%) of the grade will be based on a final evaluation administered at or towards the end of the course. This evaluation will be based on evidence from one or a combination of the following: an examination, a performance, an essay, and/or another method of evaluation suitable to the course content. The final evaluation allows the student an opportunity to demonstrate comprehensive achievement of the overall expectations for the course.
Percentage of Final Mark Weight Evaluation Categories Assessment will be ongoing to inform the students of their performance and the opportunity for success. Four categories of the achievement chart are used to construct assessment/evaluation tasks and are balanced as follows:. K/U: Knowledge and Understanding     25% T/I: Thinking and Inquiry                       25% C: Communication                                   25% A: Application                                           25%
70% 40% Tests
12% Quiz
18% Assignments
30% 10% Culminating Performance Task
20% Final Exam


Due dates are firm; unless the instructor notifies the class of a change in due dates for tests or assignments all students are expected to be present for their students and to hand in their work on time. Students who fail to show up on a test date will have to first provide a doctor’s note signed by the practitioner in order to have a redo date. Any other notes will not be accepted. Late assignments will be penalized 5% each day they are late (including weekends) to a maximum of 20%. In order to prevent late penalties from incurring students must provide a doctor’s note as well. Upon providing the instructor with a doctor’s note, a new due date will be negotiated. If the work is submitted past the new due date the late assignment penalty rule will come into effect.



Plagiarism is a serious offense. It is defined as taking words, phrasing, sentence structure, or any other element of the expression of another person’s ideas, and using them as if they were your own.  Plagiarism is a violation of another person’s rights, whether the material taken is great or small.

Students will be assisted in developing strategies and techniques to avoid plagiarism. They need to be aware that plagiarized term work will be penalized and could result in a mark of zero.

Projector/Computer Dictionary/Thesaurus Youtube
Writing utensils Ruler Google Classroom/Drive
3 Ring Binder Research Databases  

Program Planning Considerations


This course (which is based on the Ontario English curriculum) is based on the belief that language learning is critical to responsible and productive citizenship, and that all students can become successful language learners. The curriculum and this course are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills that they need to achieve these goals. It aims to help students become successful language learners.

Successful language learners:

  • understand that language learning is a necessary, life-enhancing, reflective process;
  • communicate – that is, read, listen, view, speak, write, and represent – effectively and with confidence;
  • make meaningful connections between themselves, what they encounter in texts, and the world around them;
  • think critically;
  • understand that all texts advance a particular point of view that must be recognized, questioned, assessed, and evaluated;
  • appreciate the cultural impact and aesthetic power of texts;
  • use language to interact and connect with individuals and communities, for personal growth, and for active participation as world citizens.

Teaching Strategies

This course includes a variety of teaching strategies to help students become independent, self-aware and compassionate learners. The key to student success is providing structured and supportive opportunities for students to explore and evaluate their understanding and overall approach to learning. Students need to be empowered to become lifelong global learners in a digitial age who are willing and able to adapt to and evaluate the messages and thinking presented to them. Because of the nature of an online class, students will be challenged to develop their independent learning skills while also learning how to interact with their educational community through online platforms. Because the online format of the course influences the educational approach and capabilities of the instruction, students will be given multiple opportunities to develop the related skills. It is also expected that as students in a Grade 12 University Preparation class that they will begin the course with a good understanding of themselves as learners including their strengths, areas for improvement, and passions and interests. The courses in the Ontario curriculum are cumulative in nature, and therefore require students to build on their knowledge and skills over the entire course of their high school studies.

Students with English as a Second Language

In planning this course for students with English as a Second Language, the teacher will aim to create a supportive environment that nurtures the students’ self-confidence while also maintaining the integrity and standards of the ENG4U course requirements. Because listening and reading are typically the first of the four language skills gained by the ESL student, it will be important for students to have regular opportunity to practice their writing and speaking in an encouraging setting. The Assessment AS and FOR learning tasks will act as repeated opportunities for students to practice and strengthen their language skills in preparation for the Assessment OF learning tasks that are completed at the end of each Unit or Learning Cycle. Students are also encouraged to seek out supports and ask for extra help and guidance as they progress through the course. For students who begin the course with a strong grasp of the English language, it is an opportunity for them to encourage and support their classmates as opportunities arise through interactions online.

Healthy Relationships and Antidiscrimination in the Online Classroom

Every student is entitled to learn in a safe, respectful and caring environment, free from violence, discrimination and harassment. Because we live in a globalized and diverse world, a crucial life skill is the ability to work and live alongside individuals and communities which are different from our own. For this reason, antidiscrimination education is central to the Ontario curriculum and is intended to prepare students to be responsible citizens in their chosen post-secondary education and work life beyond.

Because there is a greater degree of anonymity to the online classroom, it is vital that all students understand and agree to abide by the healthy relationships and antidiscrimination policy in all interactions. This policy requires that all students:

  • think critically and compassionately as they engage with classmates, instructors and community members in order to help develop a positive community of learners in which all members can learn and grow.
  • communicate with respect and kindness when engaging in debate and discussion with the ideal of always seeking first to understand before being understood, and being willing to hold judgments and conclusions until all parties have had the opportunity to express and clarify their positions.
  • demonstrates patience as classmates seek to express their ideas and understanding of the course content and a willingness to ask clarifying questions as necessary.
  • work to the best of their abilities and make the most of the various opportunities given them in the class.

Any repeated negative behaviour will be subject to appropriate discipline and consequences.

The Role of the School Library

Although Sophio Academy does not have an official school library, students are encouraged to use e-books, local libraries, and archives to develop important research and inquiry skills. Students are also encouraged to explore, whenever possible, academic archives available online.

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism

Students enrolled in Sophio Academy must follow a high standard of academic honesty in all of their coursework. It is understood that we all 'stand on the shoulder of giants' but in order to prepare students for post-secondary studies, it is expected that they properly reference and cite the work of others in their course work and assignments using the proper recognized MLA formatting.

Sophio Academy desires to instill the values of honesty and hard work within our students while also teaching them how to engage in academic discussions and interactions with their intellectual community and honoring the work and ideas of others. Sophio Academy maintains and expects a high standard of academic honesty from all of its students as a vital and essential part of their character growth, academic practice and preparation for post-secondary studies.

The post Canadian History since World War 1, Grade 10 – CHC2D appeared first on Sophio Academy.

World History since the Fifteenth Century – CHY4U https://www.sophio.ca/courses/chy4u/ Wed, 09 Oct 2019 14:27:44 +0000 https://www.sophio.ca/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=2698 This course traces major developments and events in world history since approximately 1450. Students will explore social, economic, and political...

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Course Description

This course traces major developments and events in world history since approximately 1450. Students will explore social, economic, and political changes, the historical roots of contemporary issues, and the role of conflict and cooperation in global interrelationships. They will extend their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, as they investigate key issues and ideas and assess societal progress or decline in world history.

Course Code: CHY4U

Course Name: World History since the Fifteenth Century

Department: Canadian and World Studies

Hours: 110

Credit Value: 1.0

Pre-requisites: Any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and world studies, English, or social sciences and humanities.

Curriculum Policy Documents: The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 & 12. Canadian and World Studies, 2015 (Revised)

Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario School. 2010.

Development Date: August 2019

Developed By: Jimmy Chia

Overall Curriculum Expectations

  • A1. Historical Inquiry: use the historical inquiry process and the concepts of historical thinking when investigating aspects of world history since the fifteenth century.
  • A2. Developing Transferable Skills: apply in everyday contexts skills developed through historical investigation, and identify careers in which these skills might be useful.
  • B1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: analyse key aspects of social, economic, and political systems and structures in various regions of the world between 1450 and 1650.
  • B2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse relations between different groups in various regions of the world from 1450 to 1650 and how various factors affected these relations.
  • B3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse, with reference to the contributions of specific individuals, ways in which ideas, values, and artistic production affected the development of identity, citizenship, and/or heritage in various societies between 1450 and 1650.
  • C1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: analyse key social, economic, and political issues, trends, and/or developments in various regions of the world between 1650 and 1789.
  • C2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse interactions between different groups in various regions of the world from 1650 to 1789 and how various forces/factors affected those interactions.
  • C3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse how political, social, economic, religious, and cultural ideas and practices in various regions of the world between 1650 and 1789 contributed to the development of identity, citizenship, and/or heritage.
  • D1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: analyse the impact of key social, economic, and political issues, trends, and/or developments in various regions of the world between 1789 and 1900.
  • D2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: assess how war, revolution, reform, and other forces affected societies in various regions of the world between 1789 and 1900.
  • D3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse how new ideas and other cultural, social, and political developments affected the development of identity, citizenship, and/or heritage in societies in various regions of the world between 1789 and 1900.
  • E1. Social, Economic, and Political Context: analyse the significance of various social, economic, and political policies, developments, and ideas in various regions of the world since 1900.
  • E2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation: analyse interactions between various groups since 1900 and how key individuals and social, economic, and political forces have affected those interactions.
  • E3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse the development of the rights, identity, and heritage of different groups around the world since 1900.

Unit Description

Unit Unit Title Approx. Duration
Unit 1 Modernity and Encounter, 1420-1492 17
The World and the West in the Modern Era, 1492-1750 15
Unit 2 Enlightenment and Revolution, 1680-1840 13
Industrialization, Liberalization and Nationalism, 1815-1871 12
Unit 3 European Hegemony, 1871-1914 15
The Weakening of Europe, 1914-1945 18
Unit 4 The West and the World, from 1945 10
Culminating Task and Exam 10
TOTAL 110 hours

Unit Description

In this unit, we will be looking at the world with a focus on the West during the 15th century.  We will study the features of the Renaissance and its influence on the modern age.  The Reformation of the church was a significant development in the history of Europe and this will be an area of focus.  Another exciting point in this age was the exploration of the world by sea and students will have the opportunity to relive this time of discovery.  However, the exploration and conquest of these new worlds was contested and we will be investigating the major players and events.
In this unit, we begin by looking at the very important milestone in scientific history of the enlightenment. Then, the challenge to the established rule of monarchies in France and in Europe will be studied further. Napoleon and his imperial ambitions would drive him to establish France as the dominant world power. However, the will to be independent of people will prove to be an equal or superior force to the wills of conquest. Industrialization and other seeds of the first world war will be planted and soon ripen to fruition.
In this unit, we look at ever changing nature of thought and its effects on the behaviours of people.  This include mass movement and changing habits.  Ideologies for government become intertwined   Geopolitics will come into play for the first time as powerful personalities treat the world as a game of chess to be won.  The climax of this opera is WWI.  We will be looking at the causes, events and consequences of the Great War and how it connects to the sequel.
In this unit, we will be concluding the story of the West by beginning with the war to end all wars, WWII.  This valley will be contrasted by the rise of western capitalism and the resulting economic prosperity for the west.  The communist movement however contest this prosperity in a myriad ways, including funding of proxy wars and countering ideology.  We will finish how we started by looking at six major cities of the contemporary era and contrast them with the major cities of the 15th century.

Teaching/Learning Strategies

  • Research project
  • Independent study
  • Oral Presentations
  • Debate
  • Case summary
  • Presentation
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Computer-Mediated Instruction
  • Lectures
  • Discussions
  • Reading
  • Pair Work
  • Role Play
  • Brainstorming
  • Group work

Unit Organization

Assessment Strategies

For Learning As Learning Of Learning
  • Diagnostic assessment
  • Debate
  • Classroom discussion
  • Role play
  • Reading aloud
  • Researching
  • Classroom discussion
  • Debate
  • Unit test
  • Research paper
  • Group Project
  • Presentations
  • Role play
  • Debate

Evaluation Strategies

Evaluation focuses on student’s achievement of the overall Expectations. Evaluation is basically collected from; observations, conversations, and student products.

Student Products include: tests, exams, rich performance tasks, projects, presentations and /or essays. Students submitting assignments that involved group work will be evaluated individually.

Before making a decision about a student’s final grade, the teacher will consider all the collected evidence of student products. The teacher will also consider that some evidence carries more weight than other evidence.

Achievement Level Percentage Mark Range
4+ 95-100
4 87-94
4- 80-86
3+ 77-79
3 73-76
3- 70-72
Achievement Level Percentage Mark Range
2+ 67-69
2 63-66
2- 60-62
1+ 57-59
1 53-56
1- 50-52

The final grade will be determines as follows:

  • 70% Seventy percent of the grade will be based on evaluation conducted throughout the course.
  • 30% Thirty per cent of the grade will be based on a final evaluation and the summative administered at or towards the end of the course.

Evaluation/Assessment Plan

Unit Unit Title Approx. Duration KICA % Application
Unit 1 Modernity and Encounter / The World and the West in the Modern Era 22 hours 25/25/25/25
Unit 2 Enlightenment and Revolution / Industrialization, Liberalization and Nationalism 25 hours 25/25/25/25
Unit 3 European Hegemony / The Weakening of Europe 33 hours 25/25/25/25
Unit 4 The West and the World / Review / Exam 20 hours 25/25/25/25
TOTAL 110 hours


Haberman, A. and Adrian Shubert. (2002). The West and the World: Contacts, Conflicts, Connections. Toronto: Gage Learning.

Program Planning Considerations

This course will include a variety of instructional strategies to help students become independent, strategic and successful learners. The key to student success is effective, accessible instruction in order to empower students to become lifelong learners. Students will be required to identify the main concepts and skills of the course, consider the context in which they will apply their learning and work toward meeting the stated learning goals.
During this course, the teacher will provide multiple opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills and consolidate and reflect upon their learning. It is the student's responsibility to make the most of each learning opportunity provided and grow in their understanding and application of learning skills and strategies that will ensure success in this course and in life beyond.
In planning this course for students with linguistic backgrounds other than English, the teacher will create a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment that nurtures the students’ self-confidence while they are receiving course instruction. Most English language learners who have developed oral proficiency in everyday English will nevertheless require instructional scaffolding to meet curriculum expectations. The teacher will adapt the instructional program in order to facilitate the success of these students in their classes.
Appropriate adaptations and strategies for this course will include:
  • Modelling of expectations
  • Reference to and use of online ESL and subject-specific and dictionaries
  • Concrete examples and materials whenever possible
  • Use of a variety of learning resources including visual material and cues, , graphic organizers and visual
  • Materials that reflect cultural diversity
  • Pre-writing strategies
  • Previewing course readings / texts
When at all possible, this course will include opportunities to integrate environmental education into the material studied, encouraging the students to explore a range of environmental concerns using issue-based analysis and some of the following strategies:
  • Community Connections
  • Environmental Perspective
  • Simulation
  • Problem Solving
  • Surveys
  • Co-operative Learning
  • Inquiry-based learning
  • Cross-curricular connections
When appropriate, the students will have opportunities to analyse the environmental impact of the concepts being studied, such as the impact of Canadian and international political policies, Canadian and international laws, cultural and social differences, human rights legislation and the protection and stewardship of the Earth.
Every student is entitled to learn in a safe, respectful and caring environment, free from violence, discrimination and harassment. Antidiscrimination education encourages all students to:
  • think critically about themselves and others in the world around them in order to promote fairness, healthy relationships, and active responsible citizenship.
  • work to high standards, as it affirms the worth of all students, and helps students strengthen their sense of identity and develop a positive self-image.
  • value and show respect for diversity.
The course content will use the following strategies to help create a healthy learning environment for all students.
  • Developing a learning environment where all students feel safe
  • Promotion of diversity and inclusivity in the classroom
  • Getting students involved within their school community
  • Making community connections
  • Peer tutoring
  • Role playing
  • Group discussion
  • Case Study analysis
Classes taught within the Ontario curriculum seek to create an atmosphere of equity and inclusion based on respecting diversity, promoting inclusive education, and identifying and eliminating discriminatory biases, systemic barriers, and power dynamics that limit the ability of students to learn, grow, and contribute to society.
The Ontario curriculum entrusts educators to create an environment based on the principles of inclusive education, where all students, parents, caregivers, and other members of the school community – regardless of ancestry, culture, ethnicity, sex, physical or intellectual ability, race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or other similar factors – are welcomed, included, treated fairly, and respected.
During this course, the teacher will give students a variety of opportunities to learn about diversity and diverse perspectives.
Teachers provide varied opportunities for students to learn about ethical issues and to explore the role of ethics in decision making.  The teacher will support and encourage students to make ethical judgements when evaluating evidence and positions on various issues, and when drawing their own conclusions about issues, advancements, and global events.
During this course the teacher will provide support and oversight to students throughout the inquiry process, ensuring that students engaged in inquiry-based activities are aware of potential ethical concerns and address them in a respectful manner. If students are conducting surveys and/or interviews, teachers will supervise student activities to ensure that they respect the dignity, privacy, and confidentiality of their participants.
The teacher will thoroughly address the issue of plagiarism with students.  Students will be reminded of the ethical issues surrounding plagiarism, and the consequences of plagiarism will be clearly discussed before students engage in an inquiry.
The following strategies will be used to develop students’ understanding of ethics:
  • Making community connections
  • Peer tutoring
  • Role playing
  • Group discussions
  • Case study analysis
  • Simulation
  • Problem solving
  • Cross-curricular connections
  • Media connections
  • Surveys and interviews
  • Model ethical behavior
  • Explore ethical standards
  • Explore ethical concerns
  • Inclusive practices
  • Foster positive relationships with others
  • Assist students in developing an understanding of ethical judgments
  • Assist students in understanding confidentiality standards
There is a growing recognition that the education system has a vital role to play in preparing young people to take their place as informed, engaged, and knowledgeable citizens in the global economy. Financial literacy education can provide the preparation Ontario students need to make informed decisions and choices in a complex and fast-changing financial world.
Because making informed decisions about economic and financial matters has become an increasingly complex undertaking in the modern world, where appropriate, the teacher will give students the opportunity to build knowledge and skills through a variety of activities in problem solving, inquiry, decision making, critical thinking, and critical literacy related to financial issues. Students will come to understand the social, environmental, and ethical implications of their own choices as consumers.  Strategies that will be used will include:
  • Community connections
  • Simulation
  • Problem Solving
  • Inquiry-based learning
  • Cross-curricular connections
  • Issue-based analysis
  • Critical literacy skills
  • Setting financial goals
  • Developing intra-personal skills
Literacy involves a range of critical-thinking skills and is essential for cross-curricular learning. It is the responsibility of all of our teachers to explicitly teach literacy and inquiry skills. Literacy, mathematical literacy, and inquiry/research skills are critical to students’ success in all subjects of the curriculum and in all areas of their lives.  Students will be exposed to literacy skills relating to oral, written, and visual communication.  The following skills will be developed in this course:
  • Reading, interpreting, and analysing various texts, including diaries, letters, government legislation and policy documents, interviews, speeches, information from non-governmental organizations, news stories, and fiction and non-fiction books
  • Extracting information
  • Analysing various types of maps and digital representations, including charts, diagrams, pictures, etc.
  • Using appropriate and correct terminology, including that related to the concepts of disciplinary thinking
  • Making community connections
  • Peer tutoring
  • Role playing
  • Group discussions
  • Case study analysis
  • Simulation
  • Problem solving
  • Cross-curricular connections
  • Media connections
  • Kinesthetic opportunities
  • Foster use of proper terminology
  • Inquiry and research skills
  • Help students to develop a language for literacy, inquiry and numeracy skills
  • Assist students with developing communication skills in areas of literacy, inquiry and numeracy
Central to successful education is the focus on experiential learning.  Planned learning experiences in the community, including job shadowing and job twinning, field trips, work experience, hands-on experiences and cooperative education, will provide our students with opportunities to see the relevance of their classroom learning in a work setting, make connections between school and work, and explore a career of interest as they plan their pathways through secondary school and make postsecondary plans.  Planned learning experiences in this course will include:
  • Experiential Learning: Library visits, Guest Speaker, Role Playing, mock trials, writing anthology, author visits, writers reading, theatre workshops
As part of every course, students must be made aware that health and safety in the classroom are the responsibility of all participants – at home, at school, and in the workplace. Teachers will model safe practices at all times and communicate safety requirements to students.  Health and safety issues not usually associated with a particular course may be important when the learning involves field trips and field studies. Teachers will preview and plan these activities carefully to ensure students’ health and safety.
Although Sophio Academy does not have an official school library, students are encouraged to use e-books, local libraries, and archives to develop important research and inquiry skills.
Sophio Academy maintains and expects a high standard of academic honesty from all of its students as a vital and essential part of their character growth, academic practice and in preparation for their post-secondary studies. Students are expected to properly reference and cite the work of others in their course work and assignments using the proper recognized MLA formatting. As plagiarism is a serious offence that can have significant consequences, Sophio Academy is committed to instilling the values of honesty and hard work within our students which involves the proper acknowledgement of other's ideas and work.

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